“to know God and make Him known”

From hosting outreach teams to serving in South Sudan as short-term or long-term staff, there’s many ways to serve.


we love to see teams come from the nations to serve this nation and see God’s kingdom established


whether for four months or up to one year there are opportunities to serve and do ministry


be part of seeing new ministries established and this city and nation reached for Jesus

from two-year commitments to even longer, this will greatly help build lasting ministries

Want to be a part of our YWAM family here in Juba, South Sudan? Download and fill up this application form and send it to us through our email address found on the bottom of this page

Get the forms at, and learn more details and instruction on our Resources Page

*There is a requirement for those interested to join our team to first complete a DTS (Discipleship Training School) from any YWAM base across the globe. We offer it too, visit our Discipleship Training School page for more info.