“to know God and make Him known”

Everyone on earth has the right to:

  • hear and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • have a Bible available in their own language.
  • have a Christian fellowship available nearby, to be able to meet for fellowship regularly each week, and to have Biblical teaching and worship with others in the Body of Christ.
  • have a Christian education available for their children.
  • have the basic necessities of life: food, water, clothing, shelter and health care.
  • lead a productive life of fulfillment spiritually, mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically.

We commit ourselves, by God’s grace, to fulfill this covenant and to live for His glory.



God is passionate for every tribe, language and tongue. He looks forward to the day when people from every language will stand before him and praise him in their mother tongues. South Sudan has seen massive translation work done in the past 60 years but there are still quite a few languages left. Through partnership we are looking to see Oral Bible Translation begin among the last 17+ Bibleless people groups. These groups have no passages of scripture translated and are oral peoples with very low literacy rates. Getting an Oral Bible to them would release scripture to their hearts in a way they can receive and retain. YWAM Juba is an OBT Hub for the region to help support and equip teams to work on Bible Translation.


Many of the major languages in South Sudan have been translated at least in part but few people have access or have received the Bible in their mother tongue languages. Through partnership we are distributing SD Cards that have Bibles in various languages to people around South Sudan and also we use Wi-Fi devices to share Bibles and Jesus Films in peoples mother tongues. We believe the Bible and Spirit of God are enough to transform. If people don’t have the Bible how can they know how to follow Jesus? We aim to see as many people have access to the word of God in their own language as possible across this nation.


Getting the Bible in peoples heart languages is part of the journey but we also want to teach them how to engage with the Word of God and apply it to their lives. We use the Discovery Bible Study Method (DBS) to gather people, using simple passages and questions to help them to engage with God, learn about him, themselves and change according to the ways of Jesus.